The ruling Awami League has started selling party nomination forms for the 12th National Parliament elections. League’s potential income from selling this form can be around Tk 25 crore, said AFM Bahauddin Nashim, joint general secretary of the party.

He said this while inspecting the sale of nomination forms at the central office of Awami League on Sunday morning.

AFM Bahauddin Nashim said, the sale of nomination form can exceed 5 thousand. In that case, Tk 20 to 25 crores will be deposited in the treasury of Awami League.
He said, in the nomination process, people who are popular, honest, worthy, courageous, who have worked for the people in difficult times, in hardships will be given the most importance.

Bahauddin Nashim said, since yesterday (Saturday) the party form is being distributed from the central office of Awami League on Bangabandhu Avenue, according to the decision of the party, nomination papers are being distributed keeping in mind three criteria. In this case, if I notice any irregularity, action will be taken.

He also said that nomination forms are being sold through the festival. The number of members who collected the nomination form or which we distributed on Saturday. This number will reach five thousand by the next 21st.

He said, a festive atmosphere of thousands of people has been created around Bangabandhu Avenue. Along with the festival, activists are coming from different areas to buy nomination forms of our party with musical instruments, singing. Bangabandhu Avenue has become a meeting place.

The joint general secretary of Awami League said that the main strength of Awami League is the grassroots. Awami League’s grassroots leaders and activists are buying nomination forms, this is normal. Those who live in Dhaka will be MPs, they will be leaders – there is no such thing. The popularity of Awami League is increasing day by day due to the support of people at the grassroots level.

Meanwhile, 1074 nomination forms were sold on the first day on Saturday (November 18). Among them, 1060 people have collected the nomination form directly and 14 people have collected it online, said the office secretary of the party, Barrister Biplab Barua.

He said that on the first day, Awami League sold 214 party nomination forms in Dhaka division, 201 in Chittagong division, 55 in Sylhet division, 105 in Mymensingh division, 75 in Barisal division, 125 in Khulna division, 109 in Rangpur division and 176 in Rajshahi division. 5 crore 32 lakh taka has been earned from the sale of forms.

It should be noted that the candidates interested in getting the Awami League nomination can collect and submit the party nomination form every day from 10 am to 4 pm till Tuesday (November 21). This year, the price of the nomination form of the ruling party is 50 thousand taka.

Awami League

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