Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen advised those who talk about foreign elections to form a political party.He gave this advice while talking to reporters at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday. Earlier, the minister held a meeting with the delegation of Scotland.

Abdul Momen said in response to the questions of the journalists, those who talk about foreign elections, they should form a political party, it is The Ambassador Party or something else. Make another promise; Those who will vote for them, will take them as citizens of their own country. You will see many will vote for them.

They should be assured that those who vote for them, will make them citizens of their own country.
The minister also said that in our country we believe in freedom of thought and speech. We can’t glue them to someone’s mouth. However, action will be taken against anyone found guilty. We guarantee security to all diplomats. We follow the Vienna Convention to the letter. Therefore, I will request the friendly countries to comply with it. You should not talk big in violation of the Vienna Convention.

Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister Foreign Minister

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